This is a modular enhancement mod the Cessna 208B. 

You can choose which module you want to install.

C208B CoPilot - added a Co-Pilot (based of the Co-Pilot Mod from mixMugz – credits to him)

C208B CPM 01 Black Panel – recolored the cockpit mainpanel to black

C208B CPM 02 WhiteG1000 White Standby & Blue Text – changed the color of the G1000 frame and the standby instruments to white and the decal text to blue.

C208B Panel 01 GTN750 – changed the panel.cfg to use the GTN750 in the G1000 MFD. You still need to donwload and install the GTN750 mod from pms50.com

C208B Performance Light YD – (included Uwajimaya light mod – credits to him), changed power to around 170%, adjusted some other values to balance this a bit, increased steering on the ground, added working yawdamper, yawdamper activates automatically on autopilot on, adjusted toque to density table.


At the moment it is not possible to make turboprops working 100% correctly. We have to wait till asobo fixes the core for this!



1. Download Zip.

2. Copy the respective folder to your community folder. 


Some 3rd party liveries might come with their own cockpit textures packed, which would most likely override my cockpit mod and you would not see my mainpanel. To correct this you would have to copy the "CESSNA_208B_GRANDCARAVANEX_COCKPIT_MAIN_PANEL_ALBD.PNG.DDS" file from my mod folder into the texture folder of the livery!!



If you have any problems with the mod join me on discord https://discord.com/invite/DbchTwN6Sh
It is a german server, but me and a few others are speaking english and could probably help. 




Dies ist ein modularer Mod für die Cessna 208B. 

Ihr könnt wählen, nur die Module zu instalieren, die Ihr wollt.

C208B CoPilot - added a Co-Pilot (based of the Co-Pilot Mod from mixMugz – credits to him)

C208B CPM 01 Black Panel – recolored the cockpit mainpanel to black

C208B CPM 02 WhiteG1000 White Standby & Blue Text – changed the color of the G1000 frame and the standby instruments to white and the decal text to blue.

C208B Panel 01 GTN750 – changed the panel.cfg to use the GTN750 in the G1000 MFD. You still need to donwload and install the GTN750 mod from pms50.com

C208B Performance Light YD – (included Uwajimaya light mod – credits to him), changed power to around 170%, adjusted some other values to balance this a bit, increased steering on the ground, added working yawdamper, yawdamper activates automatically on autopilot on, adjusted toque to density table.


Im Moment ist es unmöglich Turboprop s 100% abzubilden. Wir müssen warten bis Asobo das im Kern fixed.



1. Ladet die Zip Datei runter.

2. Kopiert einfach den entsprechend bezeichneten Ordner in Euer Community Verzeichnis! 


Einige Liveries kommen mit eigenen Cockpittexturen, welchen meine Texturen überschreiben würden. Ihr müsstet in diesem Fall dann die "CESSNA_208B_GRANDCARAVANEX_COCKPIT_MAIN_PANEL_ALBD.PNG.DDS" aus meinem Mod in den Texture Ordner der Livery kopieren.


Wenn Ihr Probleme habt, dann kommt auf unseren Discord Channel https://discord.com/invite/DbchTwN6Sh 


Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Kind Regards

Euer JayDee
